
Edwin MacArthur 

Master of Photographic Arts

Owner with his wife Bethany since 1976, Edwin became PEI’s first to receive his Master of Photographic Arts in 1987. His passion and enthusiasm in the photographic industry is well known and he has been honored with numerous national and international awards for over 40 years. He has won photographer of the year as well as many “Best in Class” in different categories in portraiture. He and his family-team approach continues to produce the very finest in photography throughout the country.

Beth MacArthur 

Office Manager

After accepting the role of business manager, Beth has been the connection that keeps things running smoothly. Also a photographic assistant, she looks after all finances and is the lead decision maker when it comes to investment and moving forward. Her personality and generosity has been ever paramount to Heckbert’s continued success.

Kent MacArthur

Craftsman of Photographic Arts

Since joining the Heckbert’s team, Kent has propelled his energies toward becoming a leading photographer and designer. His creative mind and technical skills keep Heckbert’s on the forefront in this now digitally based world. He has also been honored with “Craftsman of Photographic Arts” and recently has been a finalist for the “National Photographer of the Year”. He has received numerous national awards and continues to hone his skills with this family-owned business.

Pat McKinnon

Customer Service

Our newest member of the Heckbert Photography's family business team is Pat. She handles most work in progress, bookings and personal service whether in person or phone/text/e-mail. Her skill set includes all facets of finishing a high quality product. Pat also embraces any new concept that will make our business, and your Heckbert Phtography experience efficient, productive and memorable. Her work ethic and upbeat professionalism are a welcome addition.